Why adclub?

Hear from current members why joining AdClub might be for you!

Smera Dhal, Former President

“As President this year, I like being able to show my favorite things about Advertising to people and spread resources that I have found very important on my journey. The resources and opportunities AdClub has given me throughout all my years here have been amazing. Meeting and collaborating with people like me have been too. Just to know that there’s a community of people who are like-minded is really cool.”


Grace Karas, Former Vice President of Digital Communications

“My favorite part of AdClub is the networking opportunities you get. We’ve had the Vice President of Wendy’s come in which is really cool and you get to build your personal network. We’ve learned about the different facets of the Advertising industry, the different roles you can play, and the agency vs brand side of Advertising. It basically gives you insight into the world and what you’re going to do after graduation.”

Isabella Wesson, Website Team

“AdClub has helped me with opportunities I otherwise wouldn’t have found without joining the club. I love that AdClub is useful to all majors, and has definitely steered me in the right direction with what I want to do when I’m older. I love that we have a big mix of events, like networking and resume workshops or speakers from the Advertising industry that tell us about their real-world experiences. My favorite event was learning firsthand from a Grady alum about how she landed her job in Advertising at Chanel, which was an amazing story that inspired me to seek out something similar!”


Molly Kovtun, Member

“Even though I just joined AdClub this year, I’ve found it super useful in figuring out what I want to do in the future. I’m a Marketing major right now, but I attended the resume workshop and a couple of speaker sessions and I was surprised that it was really useful to me, too. I’ve learned more about networking through AdClub as well as how to set myself up in the professional world, and I am definitely excited to see what AdClub has to offer in the upcoming years.”


Gianna Uvari, Social Media Team

“AdClub is great because it got me involved in the Advertising industry as a freshman and helped me figure out my major by learning more about networking. I like how it prepares us for going into our careers; it’s very futuristic and I like knowing all of this early on to know what I want to do when I get older.”